Swimsuit Dilemma - Pretty Real

Swimsuit Dilemma

8:17 PM

8 months later and I still have a little post baby bump.  Why is it that "bump" sounds so cute when you're expecting but sounds hideous when your tiny infant is now 8 months old?!  Whenever I'm tempted to get depressed about my lack of six pack (one of my proudest features considering nothing else about my body was toned even before Genevieve!) I just look at my gorgeous, happy, sweet little baby and think about how I'd gain another 35 pounds any day for some Genevieve love!  Oh and I also remember that I have a picture of myself after a run with a nice sweaty six pack showing.  That's right-- a bit narcissistic but such a shameless picture comes in handy! Anyway, regardless of my boundless love for G and my "proof" picture, shopping for a swimsuit with a belly just isn't quite as fun as shopping for one pre-baby (and really how fun is shopping for a swimsuit EVER?!).  Not to mention the fact that it's now August and all the good suits are gone.  I found a couple of suits that seemed perfect to hide my belly that were out of stock (anyone else get annoyed that the site doesn't remove the photo?!).  Just so that someone else can share in my disappointment here are pictures of them:

How cute is the Target Xhiliration baby doll suit?  Considering how many women consider the stomach their problem area, I don't know why there aren't tons of suits in this flattering silhouette!  And this Marc Jacobs number...don't even get me started.  The adorable ruffles hide everything and doesn't seem "mom-ish" at all!  The price tag is about $300 but my girlfriend (who just had a baby in April and was also looking for some coverage) got one in a different pattern for $40 at TJ Maxx.  I'm sure you can imagine how pleased I was to hear of that amazing deal. I wonder when the bible says "rejoice with those who rejoice" if God meant even when friends find amazing deals that you WISH you were lucky enough to have found! ;)

So those would have been my top choices but here are a couple of tankinis I found that do the trick and were not only in stock but on sale!

This Mossimo suit from Target is my favorite of the two.  At only $24 (now $21), it's a steal.  The print looks very classy in person and the A line shape is perfect!

This is also a Mossimo suit from Target.  This one is even more forgiving in the tummy area and the back is a bit more exciting than the one above.  The bottoms are out of stock but the top was only 9.98 and has at least 4 or 5 shades of blue and green so I figure I can score a bikini bottom somewhere to match! 

OK, so now I'm ready for vacation.  Ready to relax and lie on the beach and maybe even eat a couple of grilled hot dogs!  Who am I kidding...I'm going to be chasing Genevieve around, not relaxing.  But I can do that with a hot dog in one hand right?! 

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