Taste{full} Deal Alert- Amazing Sale at Banner Boutique - Pretty Real

Taste{full} Deal Alert- Amazing Sale at Banner Boutique

8:17 PM

I've blogged about Banner's headbands before.  They are well made and simply adorable.  Turns out they are launching an awesome new site (No, I haven't seen it--I'm just assuming it's gonna be awesome) and in preparation (or celebration?) they are having a 40% off sale on some of their best sellers.  Although I love their stuff, I'm also a cheapskate er, I mean frugal (does that even sound any better?), so I only have one headband from them.  Until now.  I have like 10 in my etsy cart but I'm sure by the end of the checkout process I'll have whittled it down to two.  okay, maybe three.  This sale is just in time as I try to figure out how to dress new baby for her newborn photo shoot.  (cocoon? knit "bowl?" cheesecloth? knit diaper cover and beanie? ruffle butt bloomers? Petit lace romper?  Oy. So many possibilities!!!)  In any case, these are super cute, fit newborns through adults, and make great gifts (new baby is due any day now, hint, hint). ;)  Check out their blog with all the details here.  Oh and please let me know if you have an opinion or source for what to don new baby in for her first pictures!

yes, this one is in my cart. :)

Happy Shopping!

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