Toddler Room Progress: Chalkboard Paint and Zulily Lust. - Pretty Real

Toddler Room Progress: Chalkboard Paint and Zulily Lust.

1:29 PM

I am making progress on Genevieve's room. It's been a long, slow process!  If you remember, I bought her bed back in May of LAST YEAR!  I really need to make progress since Genevieve is only in daycare twice a week until the end of August.  As many of you know, it's near impossible to get anything done (especially painting) with a toddler (and an almost toddler) running around your feet!  I ended up jumping on the chalkboard bandwagon and doing a chalk wall in Genevieve's room- or I should say half a wall!  I've seen many rooms feature chalkboard paint and my inspiration room (which I'll share at a later time) had an entire chalk wall.  I loved the look and really wanted to try it.  Genevieve has chair rail in her room so I figured rather than do one wall I'd go under the chair rail around the entire room.  Then I started painting.  And man, chalkboard paint is dark.  Black. Very black.  And I just couldn't do it!  There is only one window in Genevieve's room and the lighting is quite poor in there (I plan to add a couple of adorable lamps I'll show you later!) so I just couldn't risk it being too dark.  I could just see my almost 3 year old suddenly filled with teenage moodiness and angst due to her dark and gloomy walls! Let's put that stage off as long as possible please.

So I still have a few areas to touch up before I reveal the walls...and the full room reveal will be in quite a while since I'm trying not to spend money on her room (and instead throw it at Nadia's party--with gusto).

And that's where the zulily reference comes in.  Oh my.  Did you see this event?!  I am in love with so many items in it!  And it would perfectly match Genevieve's new room!  Argh- why can't Joe and I be Beyonce and Jay-Z so we could spend a gajillion dollars on Blue Ivy's  our girls' rooms?!  Here are just a few items I'd buy in a heartbeat:

And here are some children spaces featuring chalkboard walls that make me doubt my decision not to paint the entire wall!




So are you over the chalkboard trend?  Do you think I should have gone all the way?  Are you in love with Zulily?!  

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