Nadia's Circus Party: Decor. - Pretty Real

Nadia's Circus Party: Decor.

1:39 PM

This is the final installment of Nadia's Circus Party!  I want to share photos of guests with you as well but I will save that for a Taste{Full} Facebook album.  Yes, I'm working on creating a Facebook page for Taste{Full}.  We had one in the past but life was too hectic for us to keep up with it.  Now that things have slowed down a bit, I figured I'd try again!  But I digress...

This final post is about the other decor elements that I haven't shared thus far.  I had so much fun planning the decor for this party and though the wind tried to thwart those plans, it still came out as I imagined!  What do you think?

Though I shared detail shots in this post, I never shared the big picture...

I found instructions for the "cowpoke" banner here.  It was a project I added at the last minute because I had almost everything on hand.  I love it!  I'm thinking it might reappear in a future cowgirl party.

I know I sound like a broken record talking about the wind.  But it was really crazy!  My inspiration for the backdrop of the table was this one.  I made ruffled streamers and bought pom pom fringe to create that curtain look.  But it was so windy that I knew it would never work. For now they sit in my garage.  But I'm pretty sure I'll be able to use them in the future; something tells me I just might throw another party involving pink. The fans are a bit crazy due to...you guessed it...the wind.  

To make the backdrop I found clip art of an elephant-- one I felt that I could replicate by hand-- online.  I then drew the silhouette on a piece of poster board   Once I had it just right, I cut it out and traced it onto large construction paper.  I embellished it with a pom, scrapbook paper, pom pom fringe, and ric rac.  I then mounted it on foam core and created a "frame" out of ruffled streamers (I found several tutorials on ruffled streamers but I liked this one the best).  I made the tissue paper fans using these instructions (I made them a bit thicker by using a few sheets of tissue paper instead of 1).  I purchased the more intricate fans (sources below).

I LOVED this idea.  It came out so cute thanks to my sister-in-law's adorable sign.

Popcorn cupcake centerpiece.  Oh and I'm in love with the elephant bookends up against the red and white box.  SO cute!

The Ticket "cake" was one of my favorite elements!

So perfect!

I mounted Nadia's month by month photos on scrap paper and then strung them over the gift table.  

Do the clothespins look familiar?!  They are the same ones my mom colored and adorned with gems for Genevieve's first birthday party.  My mama's a keeper for sure.  

I love it when I can re-use party stuff! 

Because I couldn't decide which month by month pictures to use, I used 2 sets. The ones above the gift table were full body shots and these (above) are some of my favorite close-ups from those shoots. I strung them in an empty frame with ribbon and plain 'ol clothespins.  (That's the nice part about going a little bit "rustic" with a party--you can get away with using some natural items).

I had fun with the favor table.

 Baby food jars + painted lids + scrapbook paper + twine and tickets, complete with a "Thank you for clowning around with me" favor tag.

These hats were a little more work than I anticipated...but they were so fun.  In the "keepin it real" vein, only a few kids wore them! I think if you have a small party with place settings it might be worth it.  Quite honestly I wouldn't have made just one for Nadia so if I had to make them all to make her adorable one and for the pictures of Gianna and Genevieve wearing them, it was totally worth it! ;)  That said if a 3rd "1st birthday" is in my future, expect just one for the birthday girl or boy. ☺

C'mon, how cute is this?!

I loved this circus banner.  Can I take credit for "designing" it even though my sister-in-law actually made it?!

Ignore us (because clearly it's not our greatest photo together) but you can see the banner better in this shot.

This wasn't what I originally planned to do for a centerpiece but it totally came together at the last minute.  So cute and fun!

These bright colors just kill me! And a "look for less" tip--these came from iParty for $1.49.  They weren't quite as perfect as Whirly Pops but unless you buy those in bulk those can be $3 or $4 a pop. I also spotted them at the Dollar Tree later for $1!  (and resisted the temptation to buy 10 more).

I might have gone through a "balloons aren't cool phase."  What was I thinking?!

More fab paper products!

They just make me so happy!

Okay you twisted my arm: here are some photos of the party people:

And lastly a big fat huge thank you to Jordan! She's an amazing photographer, sweet and generous friend, super creative, and totally witty.  Check out her photography page here and her blog here.
And somehow I don't have a photo of her, but my sister-in-law Christy is a rock star. She created the invitation and ALL of the paper products for me, blew up all of the balloons, set them up, took some of the photos featured in these party posts and was my sounding board through the entire process. I wish she had an etsy shop to link to...but I'm working on it. ;)

Cowpoke banner: Instructions here.  Burlap from Hobby Lobby (leftover from this party) and Handkerchiefs from Wal-Mart.
Hanging fans- Oriental Trading Company. (I LOVE these and you can't beat the value!).
Large construction paper, foam core, pom pom fringe- Hobby Lobby
Ric-Rac: Joann's Fabric
Scrap Paper Pack: Michael's
Clown noses: Amazon.
Ferris Wheel Cupcake Holder: Zulily (You can also find it here).
"N" on top of the ticket cake: Hobby Lobby
Tickets for ticket cake: see this post for yellow. Pink from here.
Colored Clothespins: My mom colored these with a highlighter!  She then stuck sticky gems on them.  You can find tons of cute colored clothespins here or on etsy.
Empty frame: Goodwill
Balloons: See this post.

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  1. If you feel like a warmer clime in December, say like Texas, I would totally want you to plan my birthday party : ) You are awesome at this stuff!

  2. Oh my....probably could've done without the picture at the end, but thanks for the shout out! :) You did such a fantastic job, as did you're SIL!!

  3. Where did you find the hat boxes for the ticket cake??

    1. I got them from a thrift store. You might be able to find them at Craft stores too- they'd just be more $ probably. Good luck and thanks for stopping by!

  4. Im trying to find the pink striped popcorn boxes, but no luck.. Wondering where you found yours? THX

    1. I got them from Oriental Trading Co but I couldn't find them when I just checked. Here are some others: http://www.orientaltrading.com/api/search?Nrpp=32&N=0&No=32&Ntt=popcorn and here are some candy pink striped popcorn bags (vs boxes): http://www.orientaltrading.com/candy-pink-striped-treat-bags-a2-3_6079-11-0.fltr?xsaleSku=3/8054

