The Reason Why (Where's Megan?). - Pretty Real

The Reason Why (Where's Megan?).

7:04 PM

Hey friends, so I thought it might be time for a little update.  Many of you who have followed Taste{Full} from the beginning know that it was a shared project that Megan and I embarked upon together.  Pretty sure it was her idea.  Well from time to time (like here for example), life kind of takes over and as much as we both love blogging, writing, and sharing our love of fashion (at first anyway), everything kiddos (more relevant to us at this time in our lives), and parties (always), it doesn't exactly pay the bills. While we'd both love to be "professional bloggers" one day, right now we're just bloggers. :)  It's a hobby--a fantastic creative outlet that has brought us both  joy (and hopefully you too!), but a hobby nonetheless.  And who of you out there has young kids? and a full time job?  AND hobbies?  It's sort of hard to have all three.  Well Megan doesn't have just one kid or one job...she has three kids...and two jobs!  While I have two kiddos and no longer work outside of the home (besides for this), Megan works.  A lot. In fact, she's one of the hardest working mamas I know.  So she's taken a hiatus from Taste{full} for the time being. It's not forever...but for now.  She'll still contribute by sending me cool finds she's stumbled upon or ideas of things to share with you.  But she probably won't be posting in the near future.  I miss her and you probably have too.  Why?  Megan just has this knack for sniffing out anything cool...before everyone else!  For real.  Most of the resources I use/know of (long before pinterest made it so easy to find cool resources) Megan clued me in on.  She's an amazing party planner and entertainer.  She's a marketing professional, a talented graphic designer by trade, and amazing with technology (anyone notice that the "look" of Taste{full} hasn't changed in a while? Um, yeah I should probably get on that), and she's a creative and witty writer (and person in general) to boot. Okay so I'm pretty sure I've embarrassed her enough for one post, so I'll stop there.  Well stop talking anyway.  Keep reading to see--in photos-- what's keeping Megan so darn busy.  Sorta like this post on "my reason why," here's Megan's:

 Cole is now SIX years old!!  Where does the time go?!

Remember Megan's shower for Grace?  And Grace's first birthday?!  Well now this classic beauty is 3 years old!

Oh this baby. This sweetie "Aves" (short for Avery) is going to be 2 in a month.  Wow.

So darn sweet.

Have you ever seen a cuter trio?  

 So what's keeping you busy these days?  A fun and fulfilling hobby?  A house full of cute kids?  an outside-of-the-home job?  All three?!  

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