Shutterfly Again. - Pretty Real

Shutterfly Again.

1:23 PM

monthly photos collage
I finally finished Nadia's month by month book. I always post my projects when I finish them.  And not just because of the coupon I get for doing so. I promise.  I do it because:

#1: I hope it will encourage you to make a book, order some prints, or jot down some memories.  It's SO hard to slow down long enough to do any of that.  I know.  And we all have legitimate reasons for placing activities like this low on our priority list.  But it's so worth it.  It doesn't have to be a big book (which if you're a perfectionist like me, takes forever). It could just be a large print to frame and hang over the crib, Laila Ali style:
Or a printed photo to send to grandma.  Like this:  
Something is better than nothing.
#2: I like to show off my kids.  There I said it.
#3: I'm all about multi-tasking.  Finishing a photo project = blog content.

So there you have it.  Take a look at my cutie through her first year.

Photo books are the perfect gift for any occasion.

Happy Memory Making!

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  1. I'm terrible about these things. This has inspired me to get to it. This book is gorgeous! I just looked through and loved all of the fun patterns!

    1. Thanks Jessica!! It wasn't too bad to make since I'd already chosen the best of her monthly pictures. The hard part is going through the 1000s of pictures and choosing...Good luck. Share your results!!

