Model Home Decor. {Inspiration}. - Pretty Real

Model Home Decor. {Inspiration}.

9:39 AM

Is anyone else a design schizo? Or am I alone? I have SUCH a hard time decorating because my tastes seem to conflict. I love contemporary. But I love vintage. I love bright colors, but I love the soothing feel of neutrals. I want a house that is current without feeling trendy, clean without feeling sterile, eclectic, but not random, has that "collected over time" look, yet comes across as intentional.

If you saw my house, you'd laugh. It's just been wtihin the past year or two that I've deemed it important enough to spend cash and time on...and in that last year or two our standard of living has been reduced--not in the areas that count (I mean we still go on vacation; I'm not whining), but certainly in "extra" areas like home decor and clothes shopping and things that, really, we can do without. Right now I sit in my sun room with mismatched slipcovers (covering a couch and seat that were given to us 9 years ago), three different colors of "wood," furniture ("wood" is in quotes because it's mostly wood composite), a lamp that's falling apart (I can't fault it; it's been 10 years), and an array of pink toys. How's that for keeping it real?!
So I share that (quite vulnerably, no?) to let you know that while I blog pretty things and my Pinterest Boards rock, in real life I'm constantly prioritizing and sometimes "design," falls fairly low on the list. And at this point, there is a good chance we may be buying a home in the near future so I'm trying my hardest to just wait.  One of the things that helps me wait (vs. buying little random things here and there to tide me over), is to have inspiration of what I really want--not just what I can afford at the current moment (and yes there's a sweet spot somewhere in the middle; but I usually tend to miss that spot and buy something I'll tire of in a few months). Enter these homes.

While on vacation my mother in law and I went looking at model homes and while she was shopping for real, I was taking photos of the decor. It was so "me." I don't see that often. I loved the colors, the accessories...everything. I'd possibly add a few more bright colors and graphic prints, but overall I loved the design scheme.  Now these homes were in Florida, so I'd skip the beach-y vibe but I was impressed with how beautifully they pulled that off without looking cheesy. It was like walking through a catalog. Here are some photos I took (and I didn't even post them all!).  I hope you're inspired.
I'm not a huge fan of pastels, but I love the ledge over the bed with found objects.  I see empty frames as décor from time to time and every time I do, I wonder why I don't use that idea! So simple.

This TV stand is perfect...and the driftwood ball--so cool.

I just LOVE this idea!  If I ever have a home office (or even rec room) expect this to show up there.  You'll still be hanging out with me by then right?!

Since I'm not into beach-y décor I wouldn't have this in my house...but you can guess what I thought of right?!  A beach party...or a Mermaid party.  Yep that's how this brain works.

How great is this jute covered mirror? It'd go perfectly with my new bedspread (which is at the end of the post).
Old books wrapped in twine?!  What a perfect way to re-purpose a book that's been ruined. 

It's just pretty.
Again my mind jumps to party planning when I see this.  Spa party anyone? It's pretty in a bathroom but who has room for stuff that's not actually used?  I know I don't.  Plus I have toddlers who would smash these jars in an instant.

So simple and pretty! I'd use this at a place setting at a spa party.  Obviously it would be perfect in a guest bathroom when a guest arrives.  Thoughtful right?!
Just a random shot of my cutie taking a rest in the model home's closet.  Pretty sure she left that doll there because we haven't seen it since!

Love her little chambray romper.  Summer, PLEASE come. please?
I could not love this more.  Wait, I'd add a brighter runner underneath.  Maybe even black and white.  And then I'd love it a tiny bit more.  But this is so stylish and simple.

I {heart} dhurrie rugs. 

The laundry room was prettier than any room in my home.  I didn't include a picture of the entire room but I had to include this simple and easy to replicate idea. 
 Again, so simple and inexpensive.  and pretty.
Half of this bathroom was a shower...or play room depending on the audience.
While I love this...I have tried various rugs in the kitchen and they end up spending more time in the wash than they do in the kitchen...or they can't be machine washed and I end up tossing them.  I need a solution for this!  I can't even blame the kids because it's mostly me dropping stuff while I'm cooking.  Do stylish wipeable rugs exist?

This was one of my favorite details!  Are these just tie back rods?  I don't know but I want to replicate someday!
awww, look at my chubby cutie! I think she likes this mirrored Moroccan cut out buffet.  Me too baby, me too.
Pretty West Elm-ish outdoor space.

Hey, it's my rug! Of course this one doesn't have oatmeal embedded in the fibers. 
I need those drapes in my life.  That pattern is perfection.  And that beaded pillow?  Such a fun way to add texture and shine. 
And maybe I was inspired by my stroll through these homes because while there in Florida, I purchased this:
Threshold Paisley Comforter (currently on sale!). 
The picture doesn't do it justice. I LOVE it! It's a brighter yellow in person (less muted mustard) and is just what I was looking for.  It wasn't completely impulsive...I had a Nate Berkus (when he was in Linens & Things) one from about 7 years ago that was very similar except espresso and white.  It was at the point where it wasn't getting "clean," anymore.  I loved it so much so I was thrilled to find a similar one in a bright color and a great price.
So what inspires your design style?  Do any of you have a mix of styles that can be hard to pinpoint?  Or am I alone?

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  1. Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed the photos!

    1. super late response but glad you enjoyed it! thanks for the comment!

