Fall Festivities. - Pretty Real

Fall Festivities.

4:22 PM

I love fall.  (It's what comes next that I'm not so crazy about).  Between enjoying the season and the wonderful bible study I'm participating in (with its abundance of homework), I really haven't had much time to blog.  Which--as always--makes me sad!  Nevertheless I thought I'd at least pop in and share some photos from two of my favorite fall traditions: apple picking and the fair.

Apple Picking at Mack's Apples:
Even though I really love a different farm I've been frequenting with my mom friends (remember the strawberry picking from this post?), I couldn't break tradition this year.  We've been going to Mack's for about 5 years now...
 It was really warm which bummed me out...I like dressing the girls in sweaters and cute boots for the photo op occasion. 
I love her bright eyes in this one.  
 Her hands still have a little bit of chub.  :)
 It's rare that I get a 'real' smile out of this Joe--which automatically adds this shot to my list of favorites.
Mama's lil pumpkins.
 Nom. Nom.
 ...with such intensity.  

Love these crazy kids.
Me and my boo.

The Deerfield Fair:

 Pretty sure the tractors were their favorite part.

 What a cute cow!

 One of the rare pictures where she looks like me.  Right?  Humor me.  

 I can't even handle this cuteness.
My fair photos leave something to be desired.  But you can tell we had a good time right?!  

What do you do during the fall season?!  
Hope to be back next week with some DIY posts!  Stay tuned :)

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  1. Beautiful photos! I have a post tomorrow talking about all of the fall things we haven't done. :) Boo. G's outfit at the apple orchard is like my dream outfit every day. Casual and comfortable yet chic. Of course, the shoes make the outfit. Great job mama!

    1. ok "can't wait to see your pumpkins" sounds dirty. no? it's just me? LOL.

  2. I loved your post and totally understand. Sometimes the "season" is over before you know it but it sounds like you're going to make up for lost time this weekend. Can't wait to see your pumpkins :) As for G's outfit I always struggle during seasonal transitions. I wasn't all that happy with it but you're making me feel better. And after working on the Joe Fresh post all I wanna do is SHOP for the girls!

