Fun Despicable Me Party. - Pretty Real

Fun Despicable Me Party.

7:00 AM

I love to blog other people's parties! I can enjoy sharing the details with you without re-living fatal flaws (this comment might make more sense after I publish the first of Nadia's party posts which I'm currently working on).  I also love to share parties that vary in style.  My sisters-in-law who I've mentioned before and I all have different styles, tastes, and strengths.  Erin makes the most amazing cakes and always has fun activities and games.  Christy makes the most delicious food and cool paper products.  And I go crazy with crafting and DIY decor.  The best of all worlds is when we all work together.  Oh how I wish we had the time and cash to do that more often!  Christy, the one who made Nadia's gorgeous circus invitation and book party invitation, threw this awesome party for her son Luke and Joe.  My husband.  That Joe.  The last couple of years she's been gracious enough to add Joe's name to the invitation so that I didn't have two parties back to back.  There's a reason I love this woman.  Of course it's me, so I forgot to take pictures of the food which was incredible (I'm still dreaming about the scallops wrapped in bacon) but I took pictures of other party elements that were fun!  So without further ado:

I mean, really.  How freakin incredible is this cake?!  

such an easy way to add character fun to a party!
these. cute. minions. 
 I am convinced that coloring tables/stations are the BEST at a kid's birthday!

Despicable Me Party Ideas
 Genevieve's work of art.
 Having googly eyes and glue was a nice touch!
What better activity than ending the party with the movie?!

 Of course I loved this despicable me banner.  What can I say? I have a thing for banners.

These despicable me party favors were adorable AND practical.  They were munchkins (donut holes for you non New Englanders) which my girls ate the next day.  Genius! 

 The birthday boys!
 Thanks for sharing your party Luke!

My favorite!
Party Rockers:
Love my peeps and this fun party.  Great job Sister!

Have you attended any fun parties lately?

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