Pampers + CVS Giveaway! - Pretty Real

Pampers + CVS Giveaway!

12:12 PM

And the WINNER is: Anthony Richard with the comment:
"Definitely don't stress about the night time diaper. Jamison has been day trained for a looonnng time and we started stressing on when he would be out of night diapers! Sure enough, over the summer, he just started waking up and hasn't worn a diaper since. Definitely on their time :) But, of course I have Nafer!"

Congratulations Erica! I'll mail coupons for FREE Pampers and FREE wipes on 1/2!

Can I tell you a secret?  Shhh. Don't tell.  Nadia isn't potty trained.  I mean we're trying but during this super busy season, I don't have the bandwidth to really try.  Life is so busy. Busy with the church's Christmas play costumes (post coming soon!), busy with blogging, and hello? Busy with Christmas! Christmas prep has taken over my world and we all know how hectic the holidays can be-- especially with a little one in diapers.  

"we all know how hectic the holidays can be-- especially with a little one in diapers!"
So how do we keep it sane with a little one who's sort of potty training during the holidays?  Pampers are so great that Nadia not being fully potty trained isn't really an issue.  I mean, they make it easy.  Whether it's Pampers easy ups, cruisers, or sensitive wipes, I can count on Pampers' innovative product line up available at CVS.  I've always preferred pampers for the girls--Yes I've tried other brands and I may or may not have ended up selling them at a yard sale.  But Pampers have always kept them dry and diaper rash free.  Genevieve still wears them overnight because I find them to be more absorbent than other brands/alternatives
Nadia's's tiny pampers in 2009 and her not-so-tiny pampers now.  

"Pampers have always kept them dry and diaper rash free."
And even better?  Pampers at CVS.  CVS is literally 60 seconds from my house and I promise you the item I buy there the most:  Diapers.  Hands down.  We're running from a holiday gathering and realize we're out of wipes or diapers and what do I do?  Stop at CVS.  We've been out all day Christmas shopping and I realize I forgot the one thing that was crucial (i.e. diapers) and what do I do?  Let Joe start the bedtime routine and run to CVS, getting back in time for bedtime stories.  So quick and easy.  Initially I'd made this pact with myself to be better prepared but then I realized I'm not even spending more for the sake of convenience.  With CVS' fuss free savings, I spend less on my diapers purchased at CVS than I do at the biggest box store.  And let's be honest. Spending money on diapers is just not so fun.

"CVS is literally 60 seconds from my house and I promise you the item I buy there the most: Diapers.  Hands down."
All I know is that during the holidays, one less thing to worry about rocks my world.  Here's how I keep it sane with a little one during the holidays:

Tips for keeping it sane with a little one during the holidays:

1. I remind myself that missing a nap will not destroy them (or me).  Maybe missing one 5 days in a row will but you get my point.  If we're out Christmas shopping, there's no need to have a panic attack that it's 11:45 and I'm still in line at the mall.  
2. I keep extra clothes, undies, and pampers in the car.  I have a bag in the trunk of such extras.  It's saved me a few times at least. And during the holidays, I try to throw in something I wouldn't be embarrassed for them to be seen in (vs. the usual hand me down items I don't miss having in their wardrobe).
3. I make sure to have snacks and treats on hand.  Except today.  When Genevieve asked for lunch and then had a complete meltdown shortly thereafter.  Oops.  
4. I feed the kids before the holiday party.  Kids never eat when they're running around excitedly with their friends or family.  If yours are anything like mine, they only realize they're "hungry," when we get home way past their bedtime.  Can I get an amen?

5. I'm preaching to myself here: I attempt to relax.  I know--laughable right?!  But 99% of the time everything gets done and the stuff that doesn't isn't that crucial. That's not what the season is about.  If the house is perfect, the pantry is stocked, the tree is trimmed, but I'm not showering my family with love during this joyful season, than it's all for nothing.  So I try to relax and enjoy my kids and this blessed little life of mine!

Pampers Giveaway- EASY to enter!
Speaking of blessed- how would you like to be blessed with FREE Pampers?!  This might be the easiest giveaway you've ever entered!  All you have to do is comment on the blog.  You can:

-share a tip on keeping life sane during the hectic holidays
-share a funny diapers related story, or 
-share which pampers product you'd choose if you win.  

If you don't have a little one in diapers but know a mom who would love free diapers, enter anyway!  

For another easy entry, follow me on Twitter and add a separate comment that you are following!  That's it!  Winner will be chosen randomly at midnight EST on 12/30.  Good Luck!

    I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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    1. It is so funny you started with the potty training thing. I am MISSING diapers right now. Bodhi is mostly potty trained and it is so stressful trying to quickly find a restroom all the time-at stores, the mall, plays, restaurants, everywhere. I miss the days of diapers. But lucky for me, I get both in just a few short months. ;)

    2. My advice would be not to go crazy getting to force kids to potty train. Tried everything for my first and she wouldn't do it until she really wanted to. It can be exhausting and overwhelming but they do it when they're ready :) I could totally use some pampers cruisers!!

      1. I hope you're right Christy! I'm definitely not forcing anything that's for sure ;)

    3. Cute post! Free diapers sound amazing. 2 active kiddos in diapers gets expensive. Definitely would go with the cruisers!

    4. I love Pampers Easy Ups for my daughter Emma. They keep her dry all night long w/ no leaks!

      1. awesome Mary! I tried a different brand for G (so she wouldn't feel like a baby wearing a diaper) but she peed right through it overnight! Back to Pampers. ;)

    5. Tucker always peed through the other brands when he was really little.. now we switch around depending on sales but I do agree Pampers are more absorbant and better for night time. Pick me!

    6. I try to keep life simple by planning ahead and shopping online.

    7. So cute Tiff! We would take size 1 since we'll have a newborn in the house soon. :-)

      My holiday tip would be to put a few meals in your freezer before things get too crazy. That way when those super busy days hit, you can just throw a meal in the oven from the freezer (without spending a fortune on take-out) and enjoy a good family dinner with minimal stress or clean up. :)

    8. Definitely don't stress about the night time diaper. Jamison has been day trained for a looonnng time and we started stressing on when he would be out of night diapers! Sure enough, over the summer, he just started waking up and hasn't worn a diaper since. Definitely on their time :) But, of course I have Nafer!

    9. I always use swaddlers for the first few months...and since I have a 2 month old (our 5th kiddo) I would pick those. Merry Christmas!

      1. 5 kids?! So fun! I'll definitely take advice--you must know what you're talking about! ;)

    10. We do cloth diapers half the time and pampers the other half, with 2 boys in diapers either way it's ALOT of diapers. In emergencies you can find my 6 month old sporting his 2.5 year old brother's diapers. Luckily we haven't had to squeeze the 2.5 year old into a too small diaper....yet.

    11. I already follow you on twitter :) cassieatcasa

    12. What a cute little shoot! I love the one with the Christmas lights on her pampers. Christmas card?? lol

      1. lol- woulda been cute! I need to send you our Christmas card! :)

    13. Emily loves her pampers diapers and the Sesame Street characters! We are doing hard core potty training after Christmas, but Joshua will be in diapers for awhile!

      1. My daughter loves pampers! We tried other brands but experienced leakage and rashes. I used pampers on her when she was little and never a problem!! Loved the blog Tiffany!!

      2. I swear Genevieve learned about Elmo from Pampers. Well played Pampers and Sesame Street. Well played.

    14. I've always used Pampers Cruisers. They are really absorbent.

      mami2jcn at gmail dot com

    15. I would love to get swaddlers for my 4 month old. We are so excited for Christmas this year with him. I have stayed sane by doing a lot of shopping online this year. jj250@aol.com

      1. Yes- Amazon Prime saves me! With 2 little ones and super cold temps, I do the majority of my shopping online!

    16. I follow on twitter JBeard25.


    17. I keep diapers and wipes everywhere; my glove box, my purse (not that I've used it since having to take the bulky, ugly diaper bag everywhere!), my friends purse... I even had some in my Sunday School Classroom!
      My "project" this weekend is to go to church services without the diaper bag. Im looking forward to carrying a pretty purse for a few hours. (Its the little goals and rewards that keep moms sane and motivated)

      1. I love carrying a big purse instead of a diaper bag now that the girls are a bit older! And what a great idea about keeping wipes everywhere!

    18. i love pampers cruisers
      bwebber2779 at andersonuniversity dot edu

    19. i follow on twitter (@betsy5454)
      bwebber2779 at andersonuniversity dot edu

    20. I love your advice about keeping tons of extra supplies in the car. Smart!

      1. Thanks Rachel! I just have to remember to swap out as they outgrow... but it's definitely helpful!

    21. I'd like the swaddlers.

      hewella1 at gmail dot com

    22. I follow you on twitter.

      hewella1 at gmail dot com

    23. Following you on Twitter- SaraRowe8

    24. I would love to buy Pampers diapers for my 5 month old.
      alaine74014 at gmail dot com

    25. I follow via twitter as family74014
      alaine74014 at gmail dot com

    26. I'd choose newborn diapers for my nephew and his wife who are having their first baby.

    27. One time in the middle of the night I was so tired I tried to put the diaper on backwards!

      colorvibrant at gmail dot com

      1. lol! Did it still work?! We've come home after having newbie sitters to backward diapers. ;)

    28. Following you on twitter as @colorvibrant

      colorvibrant at gmail dot com

    29. I follow you on twitter @jonesfd28

    30. For a holiday tip I like to shop early. I also do a lot of shopping online.

      1. smart tips! I do the majority of my shopping online also!

    31. I'd like to win these for my husband's co worker

    32. following on twitter @aunteegem

    33. I'd pick Cruisers because I have one!

    34. Following you on twitter (@channynn).

    35. I would get Pampers Cruisers for my daughter
      jjak2003 at gmail dot com

    36. I would stock up on some Pampers Swaddlers for our new baby. He'll be here in April. I'm excited to see those teeny tiny diapers on the shelf again!
      kirbycolby at gmail dot com

    37. With a newborn in the house, I'd for sure get Swaddlers!! Love them!! I'm a loyal Pampers user for all my babies. :)

    38. I follow on twitter (littlepunkypie)

    39. Pampers Extra Protection are the only diapers that have kept our Dorothy dry since she loves sleeping on her tummy, I'd be pumped to get some for free!

    40. Was Nadia using Pampers Baby Dry size 6 diapers, because she looks so cute in diapers.

