Simply Incredible. - Pretty Real

Simply Incredible.

12:11 PM

Just wanted to share our latest photography venture with you.  I was determined to get newborn photos of little miss Nadia.  I didn't do that with Genevieve and regretted it.  On the flip side I took SO many pictures of Genevieve and made that awesome (if I do say so myself) How Fast Time Flies scrapbook for her, so I also liked the idea of Nadia having at least one thing that Genevieve didn't! Is that weird?  ;)  Anyway, I really wanted something affordable since I'm no longer working (cutting our income nearly in half--ouch), but quality.  I try so hard to like places that I won't name (i.e. in the mall) but I just can't do it.  I like the more natural approach to photography...you know- the expensive kind.  I also have gone the other direction- getting portraits done by fabulous photographers only to agonize about spending $50 on a print.  The reality is, I just can't afford that (Dave Ramsey's advice to "act your wage" resounds in my head).  So imagine my happiness at discovering Simply Mella Photography.  2 words: Simply awesome.  She doesn't have a studio (I assume that's one reason she can be affordable), but she'll come to your home, or an outdoor location where lighting is plentiful.  So if you can imagine two exhausted parents, one extremely "high energy" toddler (high energy sounds so much nicer than little spaz doesn't it?!), and one newborn who refused to sleep for nearly the entire shoot, and turn that into awesome photos...then you'd be Melanie of Simply Mella! I wasn't sure how the photos would turn out based on the the factors listed above but she got me previews the same day and I love them!  If I'm being honest I'm kinda scared to tell you about her...there's a part of me that wants to keep this magic all to myself.  (yes, that is a bit weird.  ha).  But I just can't help myself...

I'll post more photos on facebook at a later date, but for now, I thought I'd give you a sneak peek of what I'm talking about. 

My little family of FOUR.

Genevieve was saying "wee wee wee" as in "This little Piggy..." :)

Me and my baby.  Well really, my big girl.  How fast time flies [insert sniffle here].

Do you have any photographers in the area that you love? Have you spent tons on family portraits and regretted it? Or thought it was totally worth it?  Do share your photography tales...

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