Nadia's 2nd Birthday: Choosing a Theme. - Pretty Real

Nadia's 2nd Birthday: Choosing a Theme.

12:08 PM

My "baby" is turning 2 in just over a month! Where does the time go?  Remember this post from her 1st birthday (still one of my favorite ever posts on Taste{Full}).  A little over a month ago I decided I'd better choose a theme and get started!  Of course the fact that I can host a party outdoors for Nadia, takes choosing a theme to another level!  There are just so many more options it seems.  My house isn't exactly 'open concept,' so it's not the best for hosting parties.  But my back yard is totally doable.
Every time I choose a party theme for the girls I have the same battle: choose a theme for ME or for HER?  ha!  Quite honestly I'm all about doing what you want when they're very little because let's face it: As long as the party involves cake and balloons the little one will be happy!  For Genevieve's 3rd party I got on the character train but since Nadia's only 2 I'm not quite there yet.  Side note: I have to say this "Modern Cow" party made me realize where there's a will; there's a way.  If a cow party can be chic, there's hope for any theme the girls might want!  But for now, there's honestly not one "character" Nadia really identifies with.  But she LOVES to read.  I "catch" her reading alone in her room or random chairs all the time.  And one of her first sentences was "read it to me" accompanied by her bringing us a book.  I love that.  So I knew I'd do a story or book theme.

I shied away from "storybook" themes because there was no particular book I wanted to highlight...and when I hear "storybook" I tend to think of fairy tales...and pink.  Maybe it's just me?  Bookworm was another option but you can't do that without doing apples which I didn't necessarily want as a focal point...although this cool bookworm party with its red and chalk accents almost changed my mind!  And now that I type that, how cute would it be to use modern bright colors and green apples?!  (sort of like this "glitzy bookworm" party?).  Despite the lovely inspiration out there, the only requirements I had were that it be modern and bright with touches of black.  I ended up landing on a simple "book" theme with "Chapter 2" as the headline, which I love and seems original (I know nothing under the sun is original, but you know what I mean). A note on inspiration:
not to mention, once you start browsing, if you're anything like me, you change your mind a gazillion times because you keep seeing something different and seemingly more amazing!  Speaking of changing my mind:

Originally I was going with a neon color scheme.  Here's some of that inspiration:
And then a few days ago a dress I'd been watching all season went on clearance and I got it for $10!  I bought a 3T so Nadia could wear it next year but then I tried it on her and it fit perfectly! Of course it wasn't neon at all. After a few texts/emails to some party planning peeps (I have a really hard time making decisions by myself. Seriously.), I took the plunge and changed the color scheme with crafts in progress and items purchased!  What?!  Yes, that just happened.  So now, here's a sneak peek at the fun color scheme:
I'm SO excited. I've been dying to use orange somewhere (for a party, in my house... anywhere really!) and now is my chance.  And being a craft and party supply junkie is coming in handy (can you make sure to tell my husband?).  I'm finding all types of random items in this colorway that I didn't even realize I had. Don't you love it when that happens? Always shop your house ladies! As for the neon items purchased, luckily none were very expensive and I am still in love with the idea of a neon party. One day I'll find the perfect neon dress a month before a party and I'll change my mind and have a few things handy. Don't laugh. It could happen.
Stay tuned for more party DIYs and deets!

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